Delaware Communion Magazine

Summer edition | June, July, August 2023

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Cover photo: Joseph Davison is dressed and ready for church. Circa late 1950s.
Fellowship in Altar and Pulpit:
All Christians are Called:
The Discernment of Vocation
The Future:
Answers We Seek
Bishop Brown recently announced:
Blueprint for 5-year mission priority plan

click on above images to view articles

A note from the editor on NEW format:
I am excited to share some important news regarding the Delaware Communion Magazine. We have made a significant decision to transition from our traditional flipbook format to a more dynamic and accessible web-based format. This transition will bring about several improvements that will enhance your reading experience and open up new possibilities for our publication.

One of the key advantages of this new digital format is its ease of use. The web-based format is designed to be user-friendly, making it easier for you to read and navigate through the magazine. The clean and streamlined look ensures that the content takes center stage, allowing you to focus on the articles and features that interest you the most. Each page includes a footer that will let you navigate back to the content page or to any other article within the magazine.

One notable addition to the web-based format is the inclusion of Spanish translation. We recognize the importance of reaching all audiences, and this new format allows us to provide Spanish translations alongside the original English content. We are committed to making our magazine more inclusive and accessible to diverse readers, and this is a significant step towards achieving that goal.

Moreover, we understand that many of you prefer to consume content on mobile phones or tablets. The new digital format has been optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that you can easily read the magazine on the go. The responsive design adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless reading experience regardless of the device you use.

To cater to those who still prefer a printed version, we have included a printer-friendly option for each article. At the top of every article, you will find a printer icon. By clicking on it, you can download and print the article without any hassle. Additionally, there is a printer-friendly option for all combined articles available at the footer of each page. We have made the conscious decision to exclude images from the printed version, making it more cost-effective and convenient for our readers.

As technology continues to advance, we are embracing multimedia content in our magazine. The new format enables us to include short videos alongside written articles. For instance, you can now watch a video at the end of Joseph Davison’s article, My Journey in The Episcopal Church as a Gay Person. These videos add a new dimension to our storytelling, allowing for a more immersive and engaging experience.

I want to acknowledge that the decision to move away from the flipbook format was not an easy one. Many of us on the communications team cherished the professional layout and appearance of the flipbook magazine. However, our ultimate goal is to provide the best experience for all readers, regardless of the device they use. We believe that this new format will not only maintain the high standards we have set but also attract a broader audience.

Thank you for your continued support and readership. We hope that you will embrace this transition to the web-based format and find it to be a positive change. We look forward to delivering captivating and thought-provoking content to you in this new and exciting format.

We value your feedback and would love to hear about your experience with our new approach. Your opinions and suggestions are essential in helping us refine and improve our magazine. Please feel free to reach out to us at the email below to share your thoughts.

We appreciate your continued support and involvement in our publication. Together, let’s create a vibrant and engaging platform that meets the needs and preferences of our diverse readership.


Cynde A. Bimbi, Director of Communications & Public Relations
The Episcopal Church in Delaware

The Delaware Communion, a periodical digital magazine (Spring/March, Summer/June, Fall/September, Winter/December), is an official publication of the Episcopal Church in Delaware.

Diocesan Communications Team:
Director of Communications & Public Relations: Cynde A. Bimbi
Communications Assistant & Staff Writer: Lola Michael Russell
Copy Editor: Marie Smith
Contributors: Mark Harris, Michael Redmond, Kristen Sausville
Consultants: Marta Illueca, Teri Quinn Gray, Sheridan Quarless Kingsberry
Videography/Technical Support: Scott Kresge
Editor and Design: Cynde A. Bimbi
Assistant Editor: Lola Michael Russell

Delaware Communion
Digital Magazine

Summer 2023 edition

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