Delaware Communion Magazine

Summer edition | June, July, August 2024

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A note
the editor:

 I am delighted to introduce a special double feature in this month’s edition of the Delaware Communion Magazine. This pairing highlights the voices of two young adults who share a commitment to addressing issues such as compassionate community, environmentalism, and justice.

Our featured articles, both vibrant and thought-provoking, share a passion for creating a more caring world. The first  article, Transforming Church to be a Radical Alternative, written by Mary Grace Puszka, examines the reasons behind the disconnect between young adults and church, and the isolation felt by many young adults. The piece offers steps for how the church might bridge this gap and become a more inclusive and engaging community. In the second article, Intersectional Environmentalism: Recognizing Disproportional Impact, written by Britta Cordrey, emphasizes the importance of aligning our values with our actions as it relates to intersectional environmentalism, and gives examples on ways to live those values in our daily lives, ultimately creating a more just and sustainable world.

I hope these messages might inspire and challenge us all to reflect on how we can find new ways to serve our younger communities and embrace faith in action, together, as one church. 

In addition to our double feature, this issue also includes three other articles:

  • 81st General Convention: Its Role in the Life of The Episcopal Church, written by Melodie Woerman, provides an insightful look into the significance of the General Convention and its impact on the Episcopal Church.
  • Old Swedes: 325 Years of Faith and Service, by Michael Redmond, celebrates the rich history and legacy of Old Swedes Church.
  • The Bishop’s message, People are Wonderful, is a heartfelt reflection on the wisdom of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, reminding us of the inherent goodness and potential within each person.

We hope these articles spark meaningful conversations and inspire a renewed commitment to justice, environmental care, and compassionate community within our church families.


Cynde A. Bimbi
Director of Communications & Public Relations, The Episcopal Church in Delaware

The Delaware Communion Magazine, a periodical digital publication (Spring/March, Summer/June, Fall/September, Winter/December), is an official publication of the Episcopal Church in Delaware (ECD).

Diocesan Communications Team:
Director of Communications & Public Relations: Cynde A. Bimbi

Contributors: Mark Harris, Michael Redmond, Kristin Sausville
Consultants: Teri Quinn Gray, Marta Illueca, Sheridan Quarless Kingsberry
Copy Editor (Delaware Communion): Marie Smith
Copyreader (The Net)/videography: Jim Bimbi

Videography/Technical Support: Scott Kresge
Editor and Design: Cynde A. Bimbi

Photo credits:

  • Cover photos: submitted

  • Transforming Church article: submitted

  • Intersectional Environmentalism article: Cynde Bimbi

  • 81st General Convention article: ECD / The Episcopal Church

  • Old Swedes article: Brian Kutner


A Digital Publication

Summer 2024 edition

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