Fire & Formation
resources for baptismal living
The Commission on Ministry (COM) offers the people of the Episcopal Church in Delaware the opportunity of the Fire & Formation initiative. The Mission of Fire & Formation is to aid and encourage the laity to discover their passion for Christ, deepen their spirituality, and fully live out their baptismal covenant. Click here to read more about Fire & Formation.
- Learn more about Fire & Formation
- Convenor Guide
- Building an Intentional Small Group Ministry — resources written and curated for The Episcopal Church
- Reading Resources
- The Baptismal Covenant
- Christian Life of Faith booklet
- Spiritual Gifts Assessment
- Scripture References for each Baptismal Promise
Featured text for covenant groups is, Living Water – BAPTISM AS A WAY OF LIFE, by Klara Tammany. A copy for the group leader is available from the Commission on Ministry
- Building Intentional Small Groups: The purpose of an intentional faith-based small group is to build trusting relationships with God and one another.
- Other Web Resources
- Baptized for Life: The Baptized for Life initiative is driven by a conviction that congregations, with God’s help, can form lives of meaning and purpose; Identifying, embracing, and sustaining each person’s Christian vocation.
Special Virtual Gathering — learn more about Fire & Formation
- Saturday, November 6, 2021
- 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- Register in advance for this meeting:
For further information, contact:
A conversation with the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
- What is the importance of baptism?
- How do we keep our baptismal vows before us?
- What is the responsibility of the church to the baptized?