Governing Committees

in the Episcopal Church in Delaware

In the tabs below you will find a description of each of the governance bodies and committees, along with the elected or appointed members of each committee.

The functions of Commissions on Ministry specified in the canon are to assist the bishop “in determining present and future needs for ministry in the diocese” and to assist “in enlisting and selecting persons for Holy Orders.” Commissions are to develop, train, and affirm lay ministries. They interview candidates prior to their ordination as deacons and may interview candidates prior to their ordination as priests, if requested by the bishop, reporting to the bishop in each case. They assist the bishop in guiding and counseling deacons and other ministers, and they assist in matters pertaining to the continuing education of the clergy.

Jonathan (Jon)  BarrettImmanuel, New Castle2026
Margaret (Peggy) BoydSt. Luke’s, Seaford2025
The Rt. Rev. Kevin S. BrownBishop 
Valerie BrunsonSt. James’ Mill Creek, Wilmington2025
Diane-Louise (D-L) CassonChurch of Sts. Andrew & Matthew, Wilmington2026
The Rev. Michael KurthChrist Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington2025
The Ven. Patricia (Pat) Malcolm, ex-officioChrist Church, Dover2024
The Rev. Deacon Christine Miller-MarcinSt. Martha’s, Bethany Beach2026
The Rev. Ben RockwellSt. James’ Mill Creek, Wilmington2027
The Rev. Jeffrey (Jeff) A. RossSt. Peter’s, Lewes2025
The Rev. Deacon Paula Jean WaiteSt. Peter’s, Lewes2025

Diocesan Council Inc., is a corporate entity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Delaware. It is organized for the purpose of taking charge of the unification, development, and prosecution of the missionary work, Church extension, religious education, and Christian social service of the diocese and such other matters as may be committed to it by its convention. The bishop is president of diocesan council. The work of diocesan council is rather extensive and depends greatly on the committed partnership between its elected members, the diocesan staff, and the bishop. Council’s key role is to submit to each annual convention a budget for all the work committed to it. Provision shall be made therein for the reasonable expenses of diocesan council. Council organizes its work with several subcommittees. The work of the finance, insurance, and personnel subcommittees is obvious in scope, and the subcommittee for program review undertakes an annual and extensive evaluation of specific diocesan-supported programs. An example of a program is Camp Arrowhead. Council is made up of 18 elected clergy and lay members representing all the geographic regions of the diocese. (Ref: Art. IX, and Canon 21 (Duties of Diocesan Council), Const. & Cns., ECD.)

Click here to view summary of minutes | December 2021 – present

Julie Almont, Lay, Vice PresidentAll Saints’ & St George’s, Rehoboth2025
Jonathan (Jon) BarrettImmanuel, New Castle2026
The Rev. Thomas BeckerSt. Andrew’s School2027
The Rt. Rev. Kevin S. Brown, presidentBishop 
The Rev. Kevin Clay BrownSt. Thomas’s, Newark2023
The Rev. Patrick BurkeSts. Andrew & Matthew2027
Darlene CaltonInterim Exec. Director, Camp Arrowhead 
Connie Cooper, recording secretarySt. Thomas’s Parish, Newark 
Frank Daniels, treasurerSt. Paul’s, Camden 
Stephen De Bellis, Lay – Area IIChrist Church, Dover2025
The Rev. Canon Marianne EllCanon for Strategic Mission 
Shannon FaulkSts. Andrew & Matthew, Wilmington2026
Elizabeth (Beth) Fitzpatrick, president, ECWChurch of the Ascension, Claymont 
Teri Quinn GrayChief Operating Officer 
Elizabeth (Bel) GwiazdowskiSt. John the Baptist, Milton2027
Amy HarraSt. David’s Church, Wilmington2026
Cecilia HobbsSts. Andrew & Matthew, Wilmington2027
Ron KerchnerSt. Martha’s, Bethany Beach2025
Celeste LandonChrist Church, Dover2027
Jocelyn QuickSt. Luke’s, Seaford2027
The Rev. Deacon Bruce RichardsSt. David’s, Wilmington2025
Alvin Roberson (Roby), Treasurer EmeritusSt. Thomas’s, Newark 
The Rev. Ben Rockwell, IIISt. James’ Mill Creek, Wilmington2025
The Rev. Kije Mugishi RwamasiraboSt. Anne’s Episcopal School, Middletown2026
Edwin Smith, Jr.St. Thomas’s, Newark2024
Teresa (Teri) ValenteDirector, Camp Arrowhead 

Responsibility: all matters relating to the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church in Delaware.

The Rev. Russ BohnerSt. Anne’s, Middletown2025
Thomas (Tom)  Crowley, chairSt. Peter’s, Lewes2027
Kathryn JakabcinTrinity Parish, Wilmington2028
Sharon LeyhowSts. Andrew & Matthew, Wilminton2028
The Rev. Theodore (Ted) OlsonSt. Peter’s, Lewes2026
Timothy (Tim) Willard, chancellorSt. Peter’s, Lewes 

The General Convention of the Episcopal Church canons regarding the clergy disciplinary process is known as Title IV. These make clergy discipline first and foremost a process of discernment, mediation, and pastoral response. Each diocese is required by canon to create a court of not less than seven persons known as the disciplinary board. The membership of the board must include lay persons and clergy. In the Episcopal Church in Delaware, the board presently consists of nine persons elected at the convention for terms of four years. Annually the board elects a president from its members. Also, annually a church attorney and a clerk for the board are appointed by the bishop. The Title IV process allows for resolution through whatever means will move those affected toward justice, restitution, amendment of life, repentance, healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation. This can include a variety of interventions for all involved and, if necessary, the suspension or removal of the cleric from ordained ministry. A step-by-step guide to assist with Title IV processes is available in the Structure and Procedures section of the Title IV website, Also see Title IV, Canons of the Episcopal Church; Canon 19, Canons of the Diocese of Delaware; and the clergy misconduct webpage.

The Rev. Dr. Jack D. AndersonSt. Philip’s, Laurel2028
Mr. Daniel (Dan) Bennett, Church Attorney  
The Rev. Ruth Beresford, Intake OfficerChrist Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington 
The Rev. Glenn A. DuffySt. Martin’s in the Field, Selbyville2026
Dr. Guy Mitchell (Mitch) Edmondson, Intake OfficerChrist Church, Milford 
James EvittsImmanuel Church, New Castle2027
Paul Hurdle, III, PresidentAll Saints’ Church & St. George’s Chapel, Rehoboth/Harbeson2026
The Rev. Dr. Marta IlluecaBrandywine Collaborative Ministries, Wilmington2026
The Rev. Donna Jean KiesslingSt. Peter’s, Smyrna2027
Elizabeth (Beth) MaurerSt. Martha’s, Bethany Beach2028
Consuelo (Conni) MillerChrist Church, Dover2025
The Rev. Rita NelsonSt. Peter’s Church, Lewes2025

The ecclesiastical authority of the diocese in the absence of a bishop, the Standing Committee is elected by diocesan convention. Half of its members are clerical, half lay. It serves as the bishop’s council of advice. The Standing Committee is requested to give consent for all bishops elected in the Episcopal Church. It recommends persons for ordination. It gives the bishop advice and consent on the purchase, sale, or encumbrance of any property held by a congregation or the diocese. It gives the bishop advice and consent as to any judicial sentence given to a clergy person or concurs in allowing a clergy person to cease functioning as a member of the clergy. It investigates and reports to the bishop on the charge that a deacon or priest has abandoned the Episcopal Church. It also receives the bishop’s resignation. (Refs: Art. VII, Const. & Cns, ECD. Art. IV and Title 1 Cn. 12, Const. & Cns, TEC)

The Rev. Russell (Russ) BohnerSt. Anne’s, Middletown2025
Richard BoydSt. Luke’s, Seaford2028
The Rt. Rev. Kevin S. BrownBishop 
Joanna CartyAll Saints’ & St. George’s, Rehoboth2027
Connie Cooper, recording secretarySt. Thomas’s Parish, Newark 
The Rev. Canon Brad HintonCanon to the Ordinary 
The Rev. Shelley D. McDadeAll Saints’ Church & St. George’s Chapel, Rehoboth/Harbeson2026
The Rev. Sarah NelsonSt. James, Newport2027
The Rev. Ted OlsonSt. Mark’s, Millsboro2028
Vernon R. ProctorSt. Mary’s, Bridgeville2026
Michael Wood, presidentTrinity Parish, Wilmington2025

Trustees is a corporate entity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the state of Delaware responsible for advancing the religious and educational work of the Episcopal Church by serving as the custodian and trustee of the property and funds of, and as the fiscal agent of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Episcopal Church in Delaware, and by providing financial, custodial, trust and investment services, and advice for the diocese and all of its institutions, by aiding, supporting, and maintaining the bishop and necessitous ministers and missionaries of the diocese, and by fulfilling such duties as are authorized and required by the convention of the diocese. The role of the trustees includes: endowment oversight, stewardship for trustee property, holding funds in trust for others, supporting A&D when needed, and setting broad constraints on funds when sent to council. All funds held by the Trustees are invested in Master Fund A and managed by the investment committee with set guidelines. The interest, revenue, from MFA is used to support council and others, cover trustee property and operations, and maintain reserves. Trustees have “unrestricted”, “designated” and “restricted” funds. (Ref: Art. VIII, Const. & Cns, ECD.)

The Rt. Rev. Kevin S. BrownBishop 
Connie Cooper, recording secretarySt. Thomas’s Parish, Newark 
Charles (Chick) DonovanChrist Church, Milford 
The Rev. Patricia (Patty) Downing, DeputyTrinity Parish, Wilmington2026
Teri Quinn GrayChief Operating Officer 
Richard (Rick) Harra, Vice PresidentSt. David’s Church, Wilmington2027
Mark Parsells, TreasurerChrist Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington2028
The Rev. Jeffrey (Jeff) RossSt. Peter’s, Lewes2023
Bruce Vrana, Trustee EmeritusSt. James’ Mill Creek, Wilmington2024
Timothy (Tim) Willard, ChancellorSt. Peter’s, Lewes 
Lydia York, Investment Committee Representative

St. Barnabas’, Wilmington

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