Take A Look
Photos from around the diocese
Click the image to view photos in the album.

Lessons & Carols (Advent) 2024122 photos

240th Annual Convention339 photos

240th Annual Convention Slideshow108 photos

Philadelphia Eleven Screening62 photos

Ecumenical Civil Rights PIlgrimage 2024276 photos

Pride Festival 202429 photos

Parish Communications Conference 202481 photos

Christmas Lessons & Carols 2023317 photos

239th Annual Convention328 photos

239th Annual Convention Slideshow760 photos

Parish Communications Workshop 202359 photos

Pride Festival 202361 photos

Ordination to the Priesthood240 photos

Christmas Lessons & Carols 2022156 photos

238th Annual Convention244 photos

238th Annual Convention SLIDE SHOW405 photos

Kevin Clayton Brown260 photos

Parish Communications Workshop96 photos

Jane Clifton Ashford dedication ceremony60 photos

Christmas Lessons & Carols 202175 photos

237th Annual Convention95 photos

236th Annual Convention92 photos

237 Convention Slide Show371 photos

Mary Ann Younger210 photos

235th Annual Convention208 photos

2019: A Year in Review1161 photos

Christmas Lessons & Carols46 photos

Maryann Younger: Ordination to the Diaconate219 photos

Evangelism & Growth Conference – 2019116 photos

Laurence Norfleet: Ordination to the Diaconate87 photos

Bruce Richards: Ordination to the Diaconate104 photos

This is Us!72 photos

Chris Miller-Marcin: Ordination to the Diaconate144 photos

Marta Illueca Ordination to the Priesthood121 photos

234th Annual Convention251 photos

Invite Welcome Connect Conference 2018239 photos