A Little Instagram Inspiration . . .

Telling Our Stories
Diversity of God’s Peoples @bimbijim #diversity #godspeople #equality #compassion #inclusion #mystory
A gem at the Delaware beach. #memorialhouse #episcopalchurchindelaware #aplacetostay #beachhouse #beachhouserehobothbeach @michaelbekurth #mystory
All that I am! #mystory #episcopalians #formation
#loved #safehome #caredfor #loveofthelord #mystory
Unconditional acceptance and love for my kids. #mystory
Carrying memories and reflecting on special moments in life. #mystory
The ‘stuff’ I was missing. @theepiscopalchurch, @ecdelaware #mystory
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Look what we can do when we learn to communicate! Having fun at the Parish Communications Workshop in the Episcopal Church in Delaware before we dived into learning about SocialSphere, Recycling Content, and creating reels during the Reel Ministry session.
We welcome the Rev. Brad Hinton to this new chapter of our diocesan life and look forward to the many blessings and opportunities that his ministry will bring to the Episcopal Church in Delaware  https://delaware.church/new-canon-to-the-ordinary/ #canontotheordinary #newpost #newministryopportunities #welcome
#lessonsfromnature #stayfocused #godscreatures
Opportunities for lay ministry in the Episcopal Church in Delaware. #layministry #worshipleader #stevensonschoolforministry  #opportunities #layleader
The Racial Justice and Reconciliation Commission reveals their quilt square for the Justice Quilt Project in the Episcopal Church in Delaware. Commemorative book with all parish quilt squares coming soon! #racialjustice #diversity #quiltlove #quiltsquares #racialjusticeandreconciliation
My Journey in the Episcopal Church as a Person in Recovery. Read article here: https://delaware.church/my-journey-in-the-episcopal-church-as-a-person-in-recovery/  #nationalrecoverymonth #uncoverrecoverdiscover
#grandmotherofepiscopalpriest #unwaveringfaith #spiritualjourney #therevjamesbimbi
Prayer Cover in Laurel, Delaware - St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. #prayercove
Read newest edition | Fall 2023: https://delaware.church/delaware-communion-fall-2023/  #recovery #youthmissiontrip #cabininthewoods #educationforministry
WRITE AN INSPIRATIONAL CAPTION FOR THIS IMAGE. Whether it's a quote that inspires you, a personal anecdote, or simply a few words that capture the essence of this image, we can't wait to read all your inspirational captions! Let's spread positivity and inspiration together! Your caption may be shared in our weekly eNewsletter.
#InspirationalCaptions #CreativityUnleashed #SpreadPositivity #CaptionChallenge #christiancaptions
Embracing God’s Glory #leapoffaith #sunsets #joy #christianinspiration  #episcopalchurchindelaware
Everyone is loved and welcome in the Episcopal Church in Delaware. #inclusivitymatters #love #invited #welcome #connect #theepiscopalchurchwelcomesyou @theepiscopalchurch
Everyone is loved and welcome at the Episcopal Church in Delaware. #inclusivitymatters #love #welcome #theepiscopalchurch #theepiscopalchurchwelcomesyou #invited #family
A spoken word contest for you ages 7-12. @mlkvoice4youth #youthspeak #mlk
@frjeffross #guidingprayers #guidinglight #innerlight #lismorelighthouse
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Delaware Pride Day 2023

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