Friday & Saturday
November 18-19

University of Delaware | Clayton Hall

Newark, Delaware

Let’s get ready, my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus! Our annual convention will be held in person on Friday, November 18, 2022, and Saturday, November 19, 2022. Convention will also be broadcast but this will not be an online or a hybrid convention. The broadcast component will allow individuals to view convention but not to actively participate..

— the Rt. Rev. Kevin S. Brown

The Annual Convention is the governance meeting of the Episcopal Church in Delaware. We gather together and pray together as we look at our current diocesan snapshot and explore our shared future in the diocese. Everyone is invited to attend convention.

Convention support team:

  • Secretary of Convention: Kay Keenan
  • Assistant to the Secretary of Convention: Joseph Davison
  • Convention Event Manager: Toni Snow

Below you will find all information needed for the 238th Annual Convention.


Convention Information

View the Call to Convention here.

  • Audit of parish financials, September 1
  • Nominations for elected offices, August 20
  • Certification of delegations, September 20
  • Certification of canonical clergy, September 20
  • Resolution submissions, September 20
  • Convention registration, November 1

Registration is closed

In advance of the convention, a hearing on resolution(s) was be held via Zoom.

Having a hearing in advance, reduces the work on resolutions that needs to be done on the day of the convention as resolutions will have already been thoroughly discussed.

Our rules of order permit late resolutions to be submitted up to convention day, these are only considered when a supermajority (two-thirds) of voters approves hearing them. Late resolutions (often referred to as floor resolutions) are any debatable resolutions received after the 60-day deadline.

Late resolutions are strongly discouraged. Therefore, the convention will be urged by the bishop to reject consideration of any late resolution that could have been submitted on time, and instead resolution writers are urged to submit them for the next convention.

View four resolutions submitted before deadline, here.


Click the below link to join the Zoom meeting,

Meeting ID:      860 6202 4205
Passcode:          630252

Click here to view the latest financial report for the Episcopal Church in Delaware.


Click here to view information from the 237th Annual Convention.

Beloved of God in Delaware, 
I have an important update regarding the location of our annual convention, November 18 and 19. 
Based upon the recommendation of the secretary of convention (or Secretary of Convention, Kay Keenan,) and her planning team, I have decided that our annual convention will be held at the University of Delaware in Clayton Hall, Newark.
We all are disappointed that convention will not be held at our hoped-for site, the new Jane Clifton Ashford Center at Camp Arrowhead. The convention team has encountered many challenges securing sufficient hotel rooms close enough to Arrowhead to serve the needs of our event. November is a busy time for beach hotels. 
Clayton Hall is available on these dates, fits our needs, and parking is ample. In addition, the hall offers hotel rooms adjacent to the conference facility.
I pray you have a safe and happy summer, 
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