of The Episcopal Church

July 8 – 11, 2022
Baltimore, Maryland

The General Convention is the governing body of the Episcopal Church. It meets every three years. It is a bicameral legislature (a legislature that has two houses) that includes the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops, composed of deputies and bishops from each diocese. During its triennial meeting deputies and bishops consider a wide range of important matters facing the Church.

The General Convention sets policy for our denomination, including in worship, discipline, mission, finance, and vision. In preparation for this summer’s General Convention, over 20 legislative committees have received legislation that spans the gamut. Every item proposes to tweak our polity, perspective or policy to strengthen our Christian witness, and every item must be given a open hearing in which any Episcopalian can have their voice heard before they are put forward for a vote.

General Convention
0 th

Draft schedule

More information here.

Resolutions call on General Convention to take specific legislative action, such as amending the Canons, creating/funding/starting a particular initiative, or enacting specific policies and procedures.

  • View all resolutions and information here.

The Virtual Binder contains all of the legislative information for the meeting of General Convention. The website is vbinder.net and accessible to the public.

On site, at General Convention, all registered Bishops, Deputies, and Alternates will be issued an iPad that will have quick access to everything in the Virtual Binder, the system for voting, and other documents needed while Convention is meeting.

As of March 2022, Resolutions, Memorials, and Legislative Committee meetings and hearings have been posted. More will be added as the General Convention Office receives this information.

As we get close to the start of General Convention in July, information will be populated in all of the tabs.

Fun fact for those new to General Convention: The Virtual Binder replaced what were actual binders filled with paper. Above: Binders issued to Bishops and Deputies from 2006 in Columbus, Ohio; 2012 in Indianapolis, Indiana; and 2009 in Anaheim, California.

The below booklet is from the 79th General Convention.

View here or below:

Open Hearings for General Convention are now being held.

You can review legislation proposed for General Convention through the link below. For each item, note the Legislative Committee to which it has been assigned. https://www.vbinder.net/resolutions?house=HD&lang=en


You can register to speak at an Open Hearing through the link below. It is very common for persuasive testimony to move the members of a committee to action. You might speak in favor, against, or with a recommendation for how the legislation should be amended to be more perfect. https://www.generalconvention.org/legislative-committee-meeting-registration


You can register to observe Open Hearings through the link below. Observing is a great way to take in the breadth of one aspect of the church’s work, whether it be Churchwide Leadership – Committee 16; Prayer Book, Liturgy, and Music – Committee 12; Christian Formation & Discipleship – Committee 14, or others. https://www.generalconvention.org/legislative-committee-meeting-registration


A schedule of all Open Hearings can be found through the link below. The information is presented in a grid. The first column is the date and time of the meeting. The second column notes the legislation that will be considered in that meeting. The third column lists the Committee assigned to consider that legislation. The fourth column notes the meeting type. To find the Open Hearings, scan this fourth column for the words “Video – Open Hearing.” Then note the date and time of those open hearings, found in the first column. https://www.vbinder.net/legislative_meetings?house=HD&lang=en

Representatives from the Episcopal Church in Delaware



The Rev.
Patty Downing

Trinity Parish

The Rev. Deacon
Cecily Sawyer Harmon

St. Thomas's Parish,

The Rev.
Donna Jean Kiessling

St. Peter's Church,

The Rev.
James M. Bimbi

Sts. Andrew & Matthew,


The Rev.
Christopher Keene

Immanuel Church,
New Castlle

The Rt. Rev.
Kevin S. Brown

XI Bishop of Delaware



D-L Casson, chair

Sts. Andrew & Matthew,

Jon Rania

All Saints' & St. George's

Teri Quinn Gray

St. Thomas's Parish,

John Michael Sophos

St. Peter's Church,


Helen Spence

St. Thomas's Parish

Michael Wood

St. David's Church,

More deputy information

View all deputations here

House of Deputies website



The Rev. Brad Hinton
St. David’s Church, Wilmington

The Rev. Ruth Beresford
Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington
The Rev. Patty Downing
Trinity Parish, Wilmington
The Rev. David Andrews,
The Rev. Donna Jean Kiessling
St. Peter’s Church, Smyrna
The Rev. Deacon Cecily Sawyer Harmon
St. Thomas’s Parish
The Rt. Rev. Kevin S. Brown
XI Bishop of Delaware



Teri Quinn Gray
St. Thomas’s Parish, Newark

D-L Casson, chair
Sts. Andrew & Matthew, Wilmington
Jon Rania
All Saints’ & St. George’s, Rehoboth/Harbeson
John Crossan
Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington
John Michael Sophos
St. Peter’s, Lewes
Helen Spence
St. Thomas’s Parish
Michael Wood
St. David’s Church, Wilmington
More deputy information

View all deputations here

House of Deputies website

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