239th Annual Convention
November 17-18, 2023
University of Delaware
Clayton Hall

View the keynote speaker, Dr. Catherine Meeks,
Friday, November 17, 7:30 p.m. (YouTube)
View convention worship and business sessions,
Saturday, November 18, with worship beginning at 9:00a.m.,
followed by Bishop’s Address and Business Sessions. (YouTube)

Call to Convention
The initial document of convention.

Convention Guidebook
This book will be distributed at convention

Agenda for the 239th Annual Convention

Ministry Reports
of the Episcopal Church in Delaware

Budget Report
for the 239th Annual Convention

Election Results
View election results here

Worship Bulletin
View worship bulletin here

Convention eNews
View the latest edition of the Convention eNews here.

Justice Quilt Book
View quilt squares from 12 parishes and the Racial Justice and Reconciliation Commission.

Nomination form. Nomination submissions for publication close September 15.

Resolution form. Resolution submissions closed September 19.
Convention Speaker:
Dr. Catherine Meeks
Catherine Meeks, PhD, a 2022 recipient of the President Joseph R. Biden Lifetime Achievement Award for Service is Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing. Prior to the center’s opening she chaired its precursor, Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism for the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.
Catherine is the retired Clara Carter Acree Distinguished Professor of Socio-Cultural Studies from Wesleyan College and Founding Executive Director of the Lane Center for Community Engagement and Service. She characterizes herself as a midwife to the soul of her students and workshop participants. She has spent many years sharing the insights that she gained from her pursuit of the truth. She has had many great teachers including her sons, the Bible, Jungian psychology, cross cultural stories and other books of wisdom. But her greatest teacher is rheumatoid arthritis because it has forced her to learn many new ways to listen to her body and to pay attention to the messages from her heart.
She is frequently asked to present commentaries on Georgia Public Radio and other radio and television programs. She is the author of six books and one inspirational CD. Her latest book is The Night Is Long, But Light Comes In The Morning: Meditations on Racial Healing and she is the editor of the bestselling book, Living Into God’s Dream: Dismantling Racism in America and co-author of Passionate for Justice: Ida B Wells as Prophet for Our Times. Her Memoir, The Quilted Life, Reflections of a Sharecropper’s Daughter will be published in February 2024 by Eerdmans Publishers.
She holds a master’s degree in social work from Clark Atlanta University and PhD from Emory University. In May of this year, she received three honorary doctorates, Doctor of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary and Doctor of Humane Letters from the Seminary of the Southwest. She will receive a third Doctor of Divinity from the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale in 2024 but the conferral is being delayed due to scheduling conflicts.

Book Signing
Dr. Meeks will be available on Friday during convention for a book signing. The diocese will have one of her recent books, The Night is Long but Light Comes in the Morning, available to purchase at convention (cash, check, or card).