Interim Rector
- Full Time
- Trinity Parish,
- Wilmington, Delaware
Trinity Parish is searching for an interim rector to guide us in our transition! Our current rector is retiring in March 2025 after 16 joyous years and we are organizing our discernment and search process.
We are looking for an interim who will provide full liturgical support and pastoral care for our 8am, 10am, and noon worship services at Trinity with once per month 9:30 services at Old Swedes (a historic church/congregation founded in the 1600s). In addition to having two campuses, we also have worship services in English and Spanish languages. Our part time associate rector leads the noon Spanish language service and her schedule is augmented with supply (both English and Spanish speaking priests).
While normally we have a full time rector and a full time associate rector, we currently have only a part time associate rector so will continue to engage supply priests while the interim is serving to ensure continuity of service schedule as best possible.
Trinity has 7 talented, dedicated staff members (a combination of full time and part time) who would be overseen by the interim rector, with support from the wardens.
The interim we seek does not need to be bilingual, but is desirable!
Please send your résumé, OTM portfolio, and a letter of introduction and interest to The Rev. Canon Brad Hinton, Canon to the Ordinary:
Application deadline: February 20
Associate Rector
- Full Time
- Christ Church Christiana Hundred,
- Wilmington, Delaware
Do you love being a priest and pastor, but would leave the property and administration to someone else? Do you enjoy teaching and drawing seekers closer to Jesus?
Christ Church Christiana Hundred seeks an Associate Rector who will join a team of lay and clergy in leading the congregation in its calling as a joyful community that serves others and seeks to grow deeper in relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are 176 years in ministry in Greenville, situated on 22 acres near the Brandywine River not far from the Pennsylvania border. In 2023 our average weekly attendance was 434 in 5-6 liturgies each weekend, including a contemporary service led by a worship band and Evensongs in the Anglican choral tradition, with three other weekday liturgies. The Associate joins a clergy team with two other full time priests and lay colleagues— ten full time and five part time staff that support the parish and Christ Church Episcopal Preschool, an 18-year ministry of the parish.
The primary responsibilities of this Associate Rector are in adult spiritual formation, fellowship, and the pastoral and spiritual care of the congregation and the surrounding community so that the parish addresses individual and family joys, anxieties, and distresses with Christian concern. The Associate Rector shares liturgical leadership, participates in the life of the parish, in the Episcopal Church in Delaware, in the councils of the Church, and in the community.
Contact the rector, the Rev. Ruth Beresford, for initial conversation and submit OTM profile and resume. Finalist(s) will be brought for an onsite visit and meet with a parish discernment team, other staff members, and the bishop and/or canon to the ordinary.
Contacts: or the Parish Office 302-655-3379.
- Organist
Christ Church, Milford
Sunday Organist for Christ Episcopal Church in Milford, Delaware
One service at 9:00 a.m.
The job pays $250 per week. This could be a short or long term position
If Interested, please call 302.604.3011 - Organist/Choir Director
Christ Episcopal Church in Dover, Delaware is looking for an Organist, Director of Music Ministry. Might this be you?
The Organist, Director of Music Ministry is a part-time salaried position, with an expected average of fifteen hours per week. Ideal candidates would have experience with and an openness to Broad Church liturgy; training as an organist with Bachelor of Music degree and/or American Guild of Organists certification, or equivalent background. Christ Church covers AGO membership fees and basic continuing education.
If you sense that call, please send a resume to
- Staff Singer, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Lewes is hiring an Alto, Tenor (preferred), or Bass staff singer for the 2024-25 season. The successful candidate is a strong sight reader, has a well-developed vocal technique, and supports committed volunteer singers. The Parish Choir rehearses Thursday 7:00–9:00 p.m. and sings Sunday 9:00–11:30 a.m. Compensation is $75 per call, more if traveling a distance. For more information contact T.J. Thomas, Minister of Music: or 302-645-8479. More information.
Click here to view all open clergy positions in the Episcopal Church in Delaware