March on Washington
60 Years Later
60 Years Later
by Dr. Maria Perez Monzon
On Saturday, August 26, 2023, l participated in the Not a Commemoration but a Continuation of the 60 year anniversary March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. It was held at the Lincoln Memorial and sponsored by National Action Network and the Drum Major Institute.
The reiteration of the words “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King as he strove for jobs and freedom, still rings today with those carrying “l am a dreamer” posters. I share their aspirations yet struggle in that hope. A fellow traveler l met on the train attended 60 years ago and wrote his memoir Beyond Kankey Hill, by Albert J. William. A pastor shared how important it was to emphasize our call to love but admitted that it wasn’t always well received by his congregation. We spoke of the Good Samaritan who moved beyond words and prayers, and acted on behalf of another in need as a brother. We both agreed that God’s call to exhortation and compassion is a call to action. continue reading here.
I felt compelled to participate in this march that spoke to me of Martin Luther King, Jr’s prophetic but yet unrealized dreams. His “l have a dream” speech speaks to me about the struggles of many peoples’ rights still denied today. I’m concerned about losses in voting rights access with gerrymandering, now upheld by the Supreme Court; unprecedented Stare Decisis reversals of Roe v. Wade and Affirmation Action; and denied rights of LGBTQ+ people just to name a few. Loss of women’s reproductive rights has resulted in loss of women’s lives while others espouse right to life.
Our Constitution reads: “…in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity….”
I once took the words of the preamble to the
constitution as truth. Today these words appear empty as they continue to be unrealized, primarily by efforts of that same government.

You may see all speakers at the march here
The God l trust exhorts, fear not.
Awake, O sleeper Eph. 5:14
Awake, awake; put on your strength lsa. 52:1