The Episcopal Church in Delaware offers online, certified training. This training is always available for anyone, as well as those who are renewing their certification. Training is mandatory for: clergy, church employees (full & part-time), volunteers who provide individual pastoral care, Eucharistic Visitors, and youth & children supervisors.
Online Training
Online training is offered for anyone, as well as those who need to renew their certification. If you would like to be certified or need to re-certify, please contact Pam Smith by email at psmith@delaware.church.
For more information or to register for online training:
- Pam Smith, 302.256.0374
Contact Pam Smith, 302.256.0374 to learn more about online training.
Dear Friends,
The Episcopal Church in Delaware is committed to being a welcoming and safe place for people of every age to worship, work, and serve. With your involvement in this important and vital ministry, we can all make our diocese a safer place. In order to recognize the signs and signals of sexual abuse and exploitation, as well as the behaviors that lead to such abuse, instruction is required for staff and many of our volunteers. This is also true for those working with adults and in ministerial relationships. It is essential for adults to understand boundaries as well as power and vulnerability in the workplace. Our diocese requires training in the following areas and refers to this teaching as Safe Church Training:
- Safeguarding God’s Children (child abuse awareness and prevention education)
- Safeguarding God’s People (preventing sexual harassment and exploitation in the church),
- Parish Resources for the Prevention of Sexual Misconduct in the Church (diocesan policy)
This training applies to all people employed by the church, volunteers who provide individual pastoral care, Eucharistic visitors, and youth and child supervisors or leaders. In addition, the Episcopal Church in Delaware strongly recommends the training for Sunday school teachers and lay leaders in supervisory or leadership roles. If you have questions, please contact the Mission Support Office at 302.256.0374. Thank you in advance for your participation and helping us ensure that we all respect the dignity of every human being.
In Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Kevin S. Brown
Bishop of Delaware