
- Christmas Caroling and Potluck Dinner
- 4pm
- 3717 Philadelphia Pike
- Claymont, Delaware 19703
- Worship service with the lighting of the Advent candle liturgy
- December 3, 10, 17, 24
- 10:30am
Calvary Church
304 Lore Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19809
- Longest Night Worship Service
- December 21, 7pm
- service information
505 E. Buck Road
Wilmington, DE
- Advent III, December 17, 8am and 10am
- Advent IV, December 24, 9am
501 S. State Street
Dover, DE 19901
- Advent III, December 17, 10:00am
- Advent IV, December 24, 10:00am
4900 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE
- Family Service, December 17, 10:30am
2400 West Seventeenth Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
- Feast of Carols, December 19, 7pm
719 Shipley Street
WIlmington, DE 19801
- Advent worship service, December 24, 8:00am and 9:30am
15 E. Green Street
Middletown, DE 19709
- Lessons and Carols, December 17, 10:00am
- Holiday Harp Concert, December 17, 3pm
- Blue Christmas, December 20, 3pm
2800 Duncan Rd.
Wilmington, DE 19808
- Advent IV, December 24, 9:00am
2320 Grubb Road
Wilmington, DE
- Advent Lessons & Carols, Sunday December 17, 4 pm
307 Federal Street
Milton, DE 19968
- The Fourth Sunday of Advent, worship service, December 24, 9:30am
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE
- The Fourth Sunday of Advent, worship service, December 24, 9:00am
110 W State Street
Millsboro, DE 19966
- Advent Sundays, 8am and 10am
- Blue Christmas, December 13, 4pm
117 Maplewood Street
Bethany Beach, DE 19930
- December 3, 10am
- December 10, 10am
- December 17, 10am
- December 24, 10am
10 Old Newark Road
Newark, DE 19713
- Annual Cookie Walk, December 16, 8:30am–11am or until cookies run out
- Longest Night, December 20, 7 pm
- Christmas Lessons and Carols, December 24, 9am
- service information
200 2nd Street
Lewes, DE
- Advent 3, December 17,
- 8:00am, worship service
- 10:30am, worship service with music
- Advent 4, December 24, 9:00am, worship service
22 North Union Street
Smyrna, DE 19977
- Advent 3, December 17, 9:30am, worship service
- Advent 4, December 24, 9:30am, worship service
600 S. Central Avenue
Laurel, DE 19956
Morning Prayer, December 17, 10:30am
190 Raughley Hill Road; Harrington, DE 19952
Sunday worship service, December 3, 10, 17, 8am, 10am, 12pm
(Spanish); December 17 at 9:30 am (Old Swedes); December 24 at 10 am (Bilingual)
Trinity Church
1108 N. Adams Street
Wilmington, DE
Old Swedes
606 N. Church Street
Wilmington, DE
Hosted by Church of the Ascension (in person and livestream via Facebook and YouTube). Join the choir of the Brandywine Collaborative Minisstries for a festive Christmas carol sing along.
3717 Philadelphia Pike
Wilmington, DE
- Advent Lessons & Carols, Sunday, December 4, 4pm
- Quiet Morning, December 10, 9am — 12pm
- Messiah, December 18, 4pm
- Longest Night Service, December 21, 7pm
505 E. Buck Road
Wilmington, DE
Messiah Sing Along
Tuesday, December 21, 7pm, Bring your score or borrow one and join in the singing of the choruses. Jeffrey Spade, conductor and David Christopher, organist. $10 suggested donation.
719 N. Shipley Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
December 16 – 7:00 pm, An Advent Service of Light, this “Blue Christmas” service has been offered in a number of forms around the country and the world in recent years to make room in the Christmas season for the seen and unseen burdens we might carry. While it is appropriate to be festive and joyful this season, this service acknowledges that the miracle of Christ’s birth meets us in our brokenness, too.
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE
Advent Service of Light, December 15, 6:30pm
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE
Quiet Christmas service, December 18, 6:30pm, cider and refreshments, worship service at 7pm
2 South Augustine Street
Newport, DE
Advent Lessons & Carols, Sunday December 11, 4 pm
Parishioners read the lessons, and the St. John the Baptist Choir will lead the singing along with music from guest violinist Jacob Colby. Join us as we use, scripture, prayer, and music to open our hearts to the coming of Christ
307 Federal Street
Milton, DE 19968
Lessons & Carols, December 4, 5 pm
Longest Night, December 21, 7 pm
200 Mulberry Street
Lewes, DE
Sunday, 12/19, Children’s Christmas pageant during the 10:30am service
Sunday, 12/19- St. Thomas Cookie Exchange following the 10:30am service
76 S. College Ave.
Newark, DE 19711
Advent Waffle Church, Trinity Parish, Wilmington, Saturday, December 11, 10-11am
Waffle Church is a monthly Bible-oriented program geared to families with children ages 3-10 years old. Join us each month for a Bible story, a craft, and of course – WAFFLES!
Sunday, December 12 at Trinity’s noon service is the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Virgin of Guadalupe refers to when the Virgin Mary— the mother of Jesus—appeared to a man named Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531. Her importance is so great that her image has become a national symbol of Mexico itself. It is a beautiful service with a pageant telling the story. All are welcome.
December 12 – Old Swedes Open-Air Christmas Market & Sankta Lucia Celebration, 12-3:30pm the Open-Air Christmas Market returns, featuring local arts and crafts vendors, raffle baskets, music and food, plus items from our Gift Shop. Tours of the site are ‘Pay What You Wish’ during market hours. At 2:00 pm, join us for a traditional celebration of the Feast Day of Sankta Lucia, a holiday that is still marked by light and music in Sweden today. The Delaware Swedish Colonial Society and Old Swedes Historic Site co-sponsor the annual December celebration of Sankta Lucia, bringer of light and herald of the Christmas season.
Posadas are a Latin American tradition of recreating the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem from December 16 to Christmas Eve. They are held in parishioner’s homes or at Trinity Church at 7 pm each night. If you would like to know more, please contact Trinity’s parish office at or at 302-298-2670.
1108 N. Adams Street
Wilmington, DE
Christmas Eve

- 2:00pm, worship service
- 4:00pm, worship service
- 6:00pm, worship service
- 10:00pm, worship service
- service information
505 E. Buck Road
Wilmington, DE
- 4:00pm, worship service
- 10:30pm, worship service
501 S. State Street
Dover, DE 19901
- 4:00pm, worship service
501 S. State Street
Dover, DE
- 4:30pm, music
- 5:00pm, worship service
3717 Philadelphia Pike
Wilmington, DE
- 6:00pm, family worship service
4900 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE
- 5:00pm, family worship service with choir
- 10:00pm, worship service, with music and incense
- service information
50 Market Street
Historic New Castle, DE
- 4:00 pm, family worship service with pageant
- 7:00 pm, worship service
2400 West Seventeenth Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
- 4:00pm, family worship service
- 10:30pm, Christmas carols
- 11:00pm, worship service
719 N. Shipley Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
- 4:00pm, worship service
- 10:00pm, worship service
15 E. Green Street
Middletown, DE 19709
- 4:00pm, worship service
- 7:00pm, worship service
- 11:00pm, worship service
2800 Duncan Rd.
Wilmington, DE 19808
- 5:00pm, worship service and Christmas Pageant
- 10:00pm, prelude music
- 10:30pm, worship service
2320 Grubb Road
Wilmington, DE
- 3:00pm, worship service
- 7:00pm, worship service
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE
- 7:00pm, worship service
- 10:30pm, congregational carol-singing
- 11pm, worship service
307 Federal Street
Milton, DE 19968
- 5:00pm, worship service
117 Maplewood Street
Bethany Beach, DE
- 4:00pm, Christmas carols and hot chocolate in the community hall
- 5:00pm, family worship service
75 West Church Street
Selbyville, DE 19975
- 4:30pm, worship service
2 N. William Street
Bridgeville, DE
- 5:00pm, worship service
10 Old Newark Road
Newark, DE 19713
- 4:00pm, worship service
122 East Pine Street
Georgetown, DE 19947
- 5:00 pm, family worship service
- 7:30pm, worship service with hand bells
- 10:30pm, caroling
- 11:00pm, worship service with music
- service information
200 2nd Street
Lewes, DE
- 4:00, family worship service
- 8:30pm, music prelude
- 9:00pm, worship service
22 North Union Street
Smyrna, DE 19977
- 7:00pm, worship service
600 S. Central Avenue
Laurel, DE 19956
- 6:oopm, worship service
190 Raughley Hill Road; Harrington, DE 19952
- 4:00pm, worship service at Trinity Church
- 6:00pm, worship service at Trinity Church
- 8:00pm, (Spanish) worship service at Trinity Church
- 10:30pm, worship service at Old Swedes Church
Trinity Church
1108 N. Adams Street
Wilmington, DE
Old Swedes
606 N. Church Street
Wilmington, DE
5pm, worship service
10719 Grove Street
Delmar, DE 19940
5pm, worship service
304 Lore Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19809
- 2pm, Christmas story/pageant in the church
- 4pm, Holy Eucharist in the church
- 4pm, Candlelight, Carols, and Communion in the chapel
- 6pm Christmas Lessons & Carols in the church
- 10pm, Choral Eucharist in the church
505 E. Buck Road
Wilmington, DE
- Family Service, 4:00 p.m.
- “Midnight” Service, 10:30 p.m.
501 S. State Street
Dover, DE
- 4 pm, worship service
200 N. Church Street
- 4pm, a Christmas Eve experience for all, especially for those with young children and for anyone who would like to be home before dark.
- 11pm, Choral Eucharist with Christmas Carols, This later service begins with Christmas Caroling at 10:30 before the Festival Eucharist service begins at 11:00 p.m. with candle lighting and a full chorus of singers.
7pm, worship service, in person and livestream via Facebook and YouTube
3717 Philadelphia Pike
Wilmington, DE
7pm, worship service
4900 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE
- 4:45, Christmas music and carols, followed by sung family Eucharist with choir
- 10:30, Christmas music, followed by choral Eucharist with incense
The Strand and Harmony Streets
- 6:30 pm, Christmas prelude music
- 7:00 pm, Festival Holy Eucharist with choir
2400 West Seventeenth Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
- 4:00 PM Holy Eucharist in-person and live
- 10:00 PM Holy Eucharist in-person and live
15 E. Green Street
Middletown, DE 19709
Early service
- 3:45pm, prelude
- 4pm, worship service with children and adult choirs
Late service
- 8:45pm, prelude
- 9pm, worship service with music
2800 Duncan Rd.
Wilmington, DE 19808
- 5pm, Christmas Pageant & Holy Communion
- 10pm, Christmas concert and carols
- 10:30pm, Festival Holy Eucharist
2320 Grubb Road
Wilmington, DE
- 3 pm, daylight worship service with choir
- 7 pm, worship service with choir
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE
- 6:30pm, Lessons & Carols
- 7:00pm, worship service
2 South Augustine Street
Newport, DE
- 5 pm
202 N. North Street
Seaford, DE 19973
- 5pm, music begins at 4:40pm
117 Maplewood Street
Bethany Beach, DE
- 4 pm, worship service
2 N. William Street
Bridgeville, DE
- 6:30 pm, Christmas Carols followed by
- 7:00 pm, Worship service
210 Old North Road
Camden, DE 19934
- 7pm
122 East Pine Street
Georgetown, DE 19947
- 5 pm, family service
- 7:30pm, bells service
- 10:30pm, caroling
- 11 pm, worship service with music
200 Mulberry Street
Lewes, DE
- 7:30 pm
600 S. Central Avenue
Laurel, DE 19956
- 5pm
- 10pm
76 S. College Ave.
Newark, DE 19711
- 4 pm, Pageant at Trinity Church
- 6pm. Festal choral Eucharist with brass
- 7 pm, Celebración de la Santa Misa en Español a Iglesia de la Trinidad
- 10:30 pm, Candlelight Service at Old Swedes Church
Trinity Church
1108 N. Adams Street
Wilmington, DE
Old Swedes
606 N. Church Street
Wilmington, DE
Christmas Day

- 9:30am Worship Service
Calvary Church
304 Lore Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19809
- 10:00am, worship service
- service information
505 E. Buck Road
Wilmington, DE
- 9:00am, worship service
501 S. State Street
Dover, DE 19901
- 10:00am, worship service
4900 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE
- 10:00am, worship service with music
- service information
50 Market Street
Historic New Castle, DE
- 10:30am, worship service
2400 West Seventeenth Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
- 10:30am, worship service
719 N. Shipley Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
- 10:30am, worship service
719 N. Shipley Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
- 10:00am, worship service held at Old St. Anne’s Church, the corner of S. Broad Street and St. Anne’s Church Road, Middletown
St. Anne’s Church
15 E. Green Street
Middletown, DE 19709
- 10:00am, worship service
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE
- 10:00 am with/at St. Thomas Church, 276 South College Avenue, Newark
St. Nicholas Church
10 Old Newark Road
Newark, DE 19713
- 9:00am, worship service
- service information
200 2nd Street
Lewes, DE
- 9:30am, worship service
600 S. Central Avenue
Laurel, DE 19956
- 12:00pm, worship service, bilingual
Trinity Church
1108 N. Adams Street
Wilmington, DE
- 10am, worship service in the church
505 E. Buck Road
Wilmington, DE
- 9:00am Worship Service
501 S. State Street
Dover, DE
10am, worship service
4900 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE
- 10 am, choral Eucharist with incense
The Strand and Harmony Streets
- 10:00 am, Festival Holy Eucharist with choir
2400 West Seventeenth Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
- 10:00 AM – Old St. Anne’s Church. Holy Eucharist: Rite II with Christmas Carols. In-person and broadcast live
- Dress appropriately for the weather since Old St. Anne’s Church will not be heated. No restrooms available.
105 Saint Anne’s Church Rd
Middletown, DE 19709
(corner of S. Broad Street and Saint Anne’s Church Rd.)
11am, worship service (spoken)
2800 Duncan Rd.
Wilmington, DE 19808
9am, worship service
2800 Duncan Rd.
Wilmington, DE 19808
- 9:30 am, worship service
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE
- 10am, worship service
307 Federal Street
Milton, DE 19968
- 10am
122 East Pine Street
Georgetown, DE 19947
- 9am, worship service (in person only)
200 Mulberry Street
Lewes, DE
- 10:00 am
600 S. Central Avenue
Laurel, DE 19956
- Worship Service, 10am
76 S. College Ave.
Newark, DE 19711
- 12 pm, worship service, bilingual
1108 N. Adams Street
Wilmington, DE