Polly Bond entry 2024
Category: Social Media / social media video post

Welcome Love Everyone

Goals: Crafted for social media, the objective of the mobile phone time-lapse video, which shows the artistic process of the actual design being created in real time, is to cleverly capture the audience’s attention and conclude with the final design and message. This video and design aims to communicate the Episcopal Church’s inclusive, loving, and welcoming nature, embracing individuals irrespective of race, sexual orientation, or age. To meet the objective, the video and design creatively showcases hands in diverse skin tones spelling out the word “love” in a spectrum of colors, symbolizing LGBTQ+ inclusivity. The design unifies with the ‘E’ in Episcopal and features a heart that embraces every representation. In addition, the composition, designed with a youthful flair, seeks to appeal to all generations. The overarching goal is to convey a powerful message of unity, diversity, and acceptance within the Episcopal Church while highlighting the power of love.

Audience: This video reel is designed to resonate with a diverse and expansive audience, encouraging engagement and understanding across different communication channels. It extends to a wide-ranging audience across social media platforms, websites, and print media. The goal is to reach people far and wide, transcending various demographics, and cultivating a sense of inclusivity and acceptance within the Episcopal Church.


This video reel, design, and message aims to visually communicate the Episcopal Church’s inclusive and welcoming ethos across a diverse audience on social media platforms, websites, and print media. The reel not only incorporates the final design but also includes a time-lapse video of its creation, offering a glimpse into the artistic process. The design incorporates hands in various skin tones, symbolizing inclusivity across all races; spells out the word “love” in a spectrum of colors, representing LGBTQ+ inclusivity; unifies all elements with the ‘E’ in Episcopal; and embraces every representation within a heart, reinforcing the message of unity, love, and acceptance within the Episcopal Church. In addition, the youthfully designed composition aims to appeal to all generations. This reel, created specifically for social media using a mobile phone for the time-lapse video, strives to captivate attention and emphasize the church’s commitment to embracing and loving everyone, regardless of race, sexual orientation, or age.


  • Instagram
    • Reel: 292 plays, 15 likes, 284 accounts reached (138 followers, 146 non-followers)
    • Post: 135 reached, 142 impressions, 21 likes, 2 shares
    • Story: no stats were kept, except a comment asking if this could be made into a magnet
  • Facebook
    • Reel: 493 plays
    • Post: 19 likes, 5 shares

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