Did You Know we have our own global mission rockstar? The Rev. Canon Mark Harris has spent a lifetime engaging in global mission work, forging deep connections across the The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. From his early days as an exchange student at the Seminary of the Caribbean in Puerto Rico to serving as a missionary and being ordained as a priest there, Mark’s journey has taken him to almost every corner of the world. He has made over 20 trips to Haiti since 1968, served in Lebanon as part of an ecumenical clergy delegation to refugee settlements in 1978. From 1987-89, he was the coordinator of Overseas Missionaries for The Episcopal Church, with wide ranging engagement with diocese of churches through out the Anglican Communion. He has worked for The Episcopal Church Center as a Partnership Officer for Asia, the Pacific, and the Middle East, with extensive visits to the Philippines, China, East Asia, and even North Korea, as well as churches in the Middle East. His mission work has also led him to the Philippines, where he served as Canon for External Affairs in Manila. In addition, Mark has also served as an executive for the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN) and was a member of the Committee on the Philippine Covenant. Back home, Mark’s dedication to global mission continues. Through St. Peter’s Church in Lewes, he has led mission trips to Puerto Rico, Navajoland, the Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota, and Haiti. Whether as Theologian in Residence at the Seminary of the Diocese of Haiti or Artist in Residence at the Ecole des Arts in Port-au-Prince, his work has helped bridge cultures and strengthen the Church’s global bonds. Mark Harris is truly our own Global Mission rockstar! |